Sunday, July 23, 2023

You Tube Landlord for Entertainment Purposes Only

A few days ago, I ran across this YouTube channel. It is entertaining, but don't follow his advice. 

In the video below, he runs through apartments that have been trashed. He doesn't take the damage checklist seriously. Instead, he says, the pictures show how bad it is. In Georgia, that wouldn't fly.

Georgia Landlord Requirements
In Georgia, a landlord must do a move-out inspection within 3 business day and complete the checklist (with estimates). Pictures and videos should be taken. The breakdown must be Sent to the former tenant because she has the right to return to the unit to see the claimed damage and challenge anything.

Within 30 days, send any portion of the security deposit with a breakdown that explains what is owed in unpaid rent and damages. I recommend using that same move out list to itemize.

If a painter has to paint several rooms, demand a breakdown of cost for each room. That goes for all repairs, including carpets. This breakout ensures you will get something if a judge decides you cannot be reimbursed for certain rooms or certain repairs. 

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