Sunday, November 3, 2019

Night Owls v Early Risers

This article isn't connected to the law directly.  However, it should have implications for those who want to understand night owls and allow them to work at peak times.

For students of course, the alternative to early morning in person classes is online classes.  Allowing night owls to attend late online classes would maximize their potential and learning.

Even the law has caught up with 24 hour e-file in many courts. Court that have efile benefit late workers who work in the evening.  Now they can file documents up until 11:59pm and meet the deadline while most sleep.

Unfortunately, 9-5 people don't understand why anyone would want to work while everyone else sleeps.  This article should explain it.  Now, with this information, adjustments should be made to antiquated thinking.

Offices could make it easier for employees to choose when to clock in, when feasible. Flexible hours, with imagination, would still comply with state and federal laws without costing the employer. In fact, the employer may benefit if it catches its worker at peak mental capacity each day.

For small business owners like myself, it means finding a facility that has 24 hour access for late night work. Not everyone sleeps between midnight and 6:00 am. Facilities miss opportunities to make their tenants happy when they have narrow views of office hours.

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