When searching for an attorney, take your time selecting counsel. Make sure your attorney is right for your temperment, time requirements, and budget. Also, pay attention to criticisms others make about you and your case.
Once you select counsel, be mindful of warnings she gives about withdrawing from the case if (1) payments aren't made; (2) unnecessary and frequent calls don't cease; (3) disruptive behavior doesn't stop; or (4) required documents and other information aren't produced. Keep a good attorney rather than running him off. Indeed, when a potential client discloses he has gone through several attorneys through dismissals or withdrawals, red flags pop up. Many lawyers won't touch the case because it's a sign of trouble. In those instances, it is irrelevant how much money the case is worth.
After several years, I have joined the majority of my fellow attorney in heeding these red flags. As a result, effective April 1, 2016, if a person has already had an attorney on a matter, the potential client must sign a waiver to allow me to discuss the matter with former counsel. The waiver will notify counsel (s)he is permitted to speak fully and honestly with the firm. If the potential client had legitimate reasons for dismissing the first, second, or third counsel, there should be no hesitation to sign the waiver and pay for counsel's time.